Online booking: you can send us you details using this form to generate a pre-booking that will be confirmed once you make the online payment.


AVISO: The beds assigned will be on the first floors of the building (floors cannot be chosen)

It is essential to bring your ID or Passport when entering the hostel

The hostel closes at 10 pm: no entry will be allowed after this time, even if you have a booking.

Your reservation will be valid until 7:00 p.m. (unless your arrival is notified later than that time)
The bed will be assigned to another pilgrim.
Telephone to notify: + 34 948 76 00 00

The stay will be for a maximum of one night

Group bookings: send mail to,or through our form

Total VAT included: -

Day of arrival:


It is essential to bring your ID or Passport when entering the hostel

Name surname:

Booking email:

Phone Number:

Total beds requested:

Accommodation type

(includes disposable bottom sheets and cushion)

Turno de cena (dinner time):

Turno de cena (dinner time):

Turno de cena (dinner time):

Turno de cena (dinner time):

Turno de cena (dinner time):

Turno de cena (dinner time):

Turno de cena (dinner time):

Turno de cena (dinner time):


Customer comments: